Oh lovely, the dreaded body spray, the death knell to noses everywhere.
I asked if she taught him how to use it. Gratefully, yes. Just two little squirts. He is aware of other boys, classmates, who over-indulge. Well, he's aware of other people's comments of boys who over-indulge in their stink products. I'm convinced boys have under-developed noses. I mean, how else could they sleep in that stench? So it only makes sense they don't know how much cologne is enough or too much. And like food, more is better. Right?
But there is a larger issue looming. WHY he wants to douse his body in lemon pledge instead of reveling in his own personal stink? This can only mean the worst thing ever - girls. My baby has finally discovered girls.
And being the
I should know. I met his father when we were fourteen and had the craziest crush on his stupid ass for years. I know this road QUITE well.
wow. good luck! ;)