Ian had spent all but one of his gift cards. I didn't realize he still had cold hard cash yet to spend. And oh my, was it burning a hole in his pocket!
Like with Flight Simulator, he spent countless hours on the computer searching for the perfect way to spend his cash. Forget that I've been rather adamant that he should put something in the bank - THAT'S BORING.
"Can we go to Walmart?"
"When can we go to Walmart?"
"Can we go to Walmart TODAY?"
"WHY can't we go to Walmart today?"
"I want to go to Walmart"
walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart
I don't want to go to Walmart. Got it?
walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart walmart
And then The Husband asks if I could drop off his new prescription at Walmart on my way to meet some old friends.
REALLY? What the hell is this need for MY body to be at Walmart? There ain't shit at Walmart that I want or need. Why don't the two boys who have this undying need to have ME go to Walmart combine their efforts and, oh maybe, GO TOGETHER?
I pushed Ian off onto his step-father and when I got out of the shower they were both hovering over the computer. The Husband, king of comparison shopping, had taken up the twelve year old's cause.
I was still requested to drop off the prescription, but he was going to pick it up. I think I can deal with the arrangement although I have no desire to step a foot in among the squalling masses.
The boys returned home after I did, lugging in a large box. They did it. They found the perfect way to blast through $100, the last of Ian's Christmas Cash - a stereo complete with MP3 connection, headphones, radio and CD player. And HUGE speakers.
Can we FINALLY put Christmas to bed?
9 months ago
Walmart is evil. I officially call it the Devil Store. It sucks you in, and doesn't allow you to leave for hours at a time, and not without spending a gazillion dollars. I much prefer Target, it still makes me spend a million dollars, but at least it doesn't give me nightmares.